Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Something Snappy

Something Snappy

I am SOOO happy!!! I just found out I won the Manor Hall Soap Gift Bag in the Something Snappy Birthday Bash!!! What a wonderful way to brighten up the day!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Something Snappy Birthday Bash Giveways!

From December 7th through 21st Dianne, formerly a chef and currently a freelance photographer, is having a GIVEAWAY EVERY DAY!! Great Blog! Click the link below to enter her daily giveaway and learn about her!


This is a copy of an email I sent an Etsy jewelry artist I REALLY liked! She has great designs! Simple and STUNNING! I am posting the email as well as a link to her store on etsy. I am always amazed at what kinds of insights I can have when I am writing. This one really just started out as a quick "love your stuff" and turned into a long missive....

Kaskaad's etsy shop: Kaskaad: Beautiful Beads, Simple Designs.

The email I sent her:

I have to tell you I am absolutely enthralled by your beautiful creations! I love your use of crystal and other components. They complement each other to make a beautiful and unique statement! I am sure you are very successful in selling your wonderful jewelry. I cannot imagine anyone not liking it!! Your work is a wonderful inspiration to me. When I am in a more stable financial position I will be adding some of your wares to my jewelry collection!

Some people do not understand why one jewelry maker would want to purchase a piece of jewelry from another artist, when they could perhaps make something themselves. I think it is of the utmost value to support one another, and applaud one another.

At this time I am not selling anything as I try to put some kind of organization (organized mess) and order to my sometimes chaotic and cluttered home and life. I find it interesting that the state of my home often reflects the state of my mind. I am going through a divorce, and am finally at the point where I am trying to re-form the house into something I want to live in, with my eldely roommate and my 9 year old daughter. Something that will inspire all of our creativity and bring us joy.

In my marraige of 22 years my art was not appreciated or even allowed at some points. This was going on for at least the last 9 to 10 years of the marraige, which I did not see at the time. It has taken the past 2 years of having him out of the house for me to even begin to unlock my creativity again. As I rediscover my creative side and add more joy to my life, I look forward to creating beautiful things and having them bless other people as well as myself, as I am sure your pieces do.

Thank you for listening (reading?) I really do absolutely LOVE your creations! I wish you the best of success. Thank you for the joy and inspiration your work has given me. One day I will own some of it so it can inspire me in person! Keep on creating! Fran

The Giveaway: Sarahs Sky Etsy Giveaway

The Giveaway: Sarahs Sky Etsy Giveaway

The Giveaway is a blog that lists contests and giveaways from Etsy and Mommy. The Sarahs Sky Giveaway is for a stunning stained glass necklace. The designer combines simple glass forms with intricate metal and findings to create a simply stunning combination! By commenting on this blog you will be entered into a giveaway for one of her dazzling necklaces! Click the link above for entry page. Good Luck!

Transformational Self Portrait Art Therapy | Transformation of Self

Transformational Self Portrait Art Therapy | Transformation of Self

I LIKE this idea. Using art, specifically a form of self portrait, to help us get through a change, to help us change in a positive manner.

Here are the first 2 paragraphs from the link, to get you started.

"This activity is based on the idea of transformational therapy and art therapy for life changes. People tend to go through many changes and transformations in life. These changes can really run the gamut, but it’s important to reflect on our experiences and how they affect one’s self…whether it be our self-esteem or self-image, our self-confidence or self-doubt, our mental and emotional health, etc."

"Think of an experience or event from your past that still has a negative impact on your life today. It could be something big or small, recent or long ago. Think about what happened, how the event(s) played out, and how it affects you today. Feel free to write your thoughts down if you want. Now think about what you would like to change about yourself as a result of that negative experience. It could be a transformation related to your self-esteem, self-confidence, mental/emotional state, etc."

Check out the web site. I will post my journey here, when I get started and as I go along... Fran

Art Therapy | Expressive Arts Therapy

Art Therapy | Expressive Arts Therapy

A website devoted to Art Therapy. Instructions, ideas, how and why it works, quotes, videos and more. I have always believed Art was important to healing, yet I guess I didn't believe it enough to pursue that aspect actively, which I now plan on doing.

If you are at all curious about Art Therapy, this is a good place to get started, or just find out about it.

journals � curiously crafty.

journals � curiously crafty.

Very cool pictures and descriptions for making books and journals. It's actually the best and simplest tutorial I have seen for making hand bound books!

Art Junk Girl~: Collage, Interrupted.

Art Junk Girl~: Collage, Interrupted.

I LOVE this lady's blog! She works like I do, and gives me the inspiration and helps me to accept, that it's ok to just create for the sake of creating, being more concerned with the process than the final product. Art Journaling.... Art Therapy.... Not everything has to be "for sale" or even for anyone elses eyes!